Right Around the River Blog

Rocketts Landing Hosts FeedMore Food Drive for the Holidays

Post Date: 12-09-2013
The holiday spirit is in the air — and while there are many reasons to celebrate, the season also is a reminder of the many people who don’t have enough to eat. So, Rocketts Landing is teaming up with FeedMore’s Central Virginia Food Bank for a food drive to help our fellow Richmonders have the food they need this holiday season.

(Rocketts Landing all dressed up for the holidays)

FeedMore is Central Virginia’s hunger-relief leader, comprised of the Central Virginia Food Bank, Meals on Wheels and the Community Kitchen. Working together to efficiently and effectively fight hunger in our community, FeedMore's programs provide hunger relief to our region’s most vulnerable populations, particularly children, families and seniors.

How can you help?

Rocketts Landing residents and Richmonders, alike, are invited to take part in our drive to raise 600 lbs. of food by Friday, December 20! The items FeedMore needs most are:

  • Canned fish and meats
  • Canned and dried beans
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Hot and cold cereals
  • Uncooked pasta and rice

For Donations From Rocketts Landing Residents and Commercial Tenants

If you live or work at Rocketts Landing, then donating is super easy! All you have to do is place a bag filled with non-perishable items outside of your door on Friday, December 20, by 12:00 p.m. A Virginia Management representative will be stopping by to pick up your donations.

For residents in Cedar Works, please leave your bags in the vestibule outside your building’s front entrance.

For Donations from Richmonders not Living at Rocketts Landing

We’re also collecting donations from people who don’t live or work at Rocketts Landing and want to donate their non-perishable goods to FeedMore. Anytime between now and December 20, we’re inviting the public to stop by the Virginia Management office in Rocketts Landing at 4845 Old Main Street. We’re filling a box full of donated food goods to deliver straight to FeedMore — and the more donations, the merrier!

For Monetary Donations Online or In Person

Want to help the cause through a monetary donation? Then you have two easy ways to donate:

  • In-Person Monetary Donations: Drop off your check (made out to “FeedMore”) either with a representative at the Virginia Management office or in the office’s drop box. Be sure to note “Rocketts Landing” in the memo line.
  • Online Donations: You can also donate online directly through FeedMore’s website. Simply visit their “Donate” page and note “Rocketts Landing” under “Credit for Food Drive.”

(The Rocketts Landing view of Richmond's holiday-lit city skyline)

We’re thrilled to do our part so fellow Central Virginians have enough to eat this holiday season. Thank you for helping us in our efforts to reach our Rocketts Landing food drive goal! Your support is yet another reason why we thoroughly enjoy life here in RVA.