Right Around the River Blog

The Boathouse at Rocketts Landing Sponsors River Heroes Contest

Post Date: 02-05-2012

A day rarely passes at Rocketts Landing where someone isn't taking advantage of our community's instant access to the James River. From paddling to rowing to fishing -- and even enjoying a romantic cuddle (or wedding!) at our community's overlook -- residents and visitors enjoying the river is as ubiquitous as people socializing at Rocketts Landing restaurants. So, you better believe that when a contest comes along to honor those who work hard keeping our river clean and accessible, we're all over helping to spread the word!

Starting February 14, co-sponsors The Boathouse restaurant and nonprofit organization The Friends of James River Park (FOJRP) will start taking nominations for their second annual River Heroes contest.

"The river is key to Richmond and needs to be celebrated every chance we can,” says Maureen Egan, FOJRP board member and former president. “But, celebrating the river is one thing and actually giving attention to the people making the river better, more accessible and thrilling is another — and that’s what we want to do: showcase the people doing great work to make the James River fun for everyone.”

The Friends of the James River, Passages Adventure Camp at Belle Island Zipline, Richmond Virginia

Passages Adventure Camp Belle Island zipline

To nominate Rocketts Landing — we mean a River Hero of your own (okay, you caught us!) — FOJRP asks you to follow a few basic guidelines:

  • There’s no age limit for nominees, which can include an individual, group, business or association.
  • FOJRP board members (including ex officio member Ralph White — who would win every time!), The Boathouse employees and past winners are not eligible.
  • To nominate someone, you must answer: “Why is this person or group a River Hero?” and provide examples of how your nominee has either: improved the James River’s condition in Greater Richmond, enhanced the river’s use in some aspect or championed for the James River in other compelling ways.

The Friends of the James River, 2012 River Heroes Contest, Co-sponsor The Boathouse at Rocketts Landing, Richmond, Virginia

2011 River Hero Mike Ostrander and former FOJRP President Maureen Egan

Last year, three different nominees won, and Maureen says she expects they might select up to three winners again this year. They’ll announce their 2012 River Heroes on Earth Day, where in addition to public recognition of their river-rat coolness, winners will also receive a variety of great swag, including: FOJRP membership and gift certificates to The Boathouse at Rocketts Landing, Discover the James and Real Richmond Food Tour.

The Boathouse at Rocketts Landing, Spanish Wine Dinner, Richmond, Virginia

So, be sure to submit your River Heroes nomination between Feb. 14 – March 14 on The Friends of James Park’s website, through snail mail (P.O. Box 4453, Richmond, VA 23220) or email. And don’t worry, so we aren’t caught unprepared, we’re already busy writing our acceptance speech (just kidding …).

Photos courtesy of The Friends of the James River