Right Around the River Blog

Rocketts Landing Residents Help NRC Families Celebrate the Holidays

Post Date: 01-26-2012

Okay, we admit it: Nothing makes us all gushy inside like hearing about Rocketts Landing residents doing great things for the community. (What can we say, we're softies over here!) And the Holiday Toy Drive our residents' Social Committee sponsored during the 2011 holiday season is certainly hitting our "softie" hearts.

Neighborhood Resource Center (NRC) Holiday Party, Rocketts Landing Residents' Social Committee, Richmond Virginia

As a Social Committee, the residents focus on having a good time together (and trust us, they sure know how!), but they also make community involvement a priority. And while enjoying the holiday spirit last year, they upheld their commitment to helping families at the Neighborhood Resource Center (NRC) in Fulton Hill. The group raised $585 toward buying toys for families in need, helping 57 children in total, and they even added goodies to the mix.

“The kids were able to receive books, games, lip gloss and even gloves and hats, which are hard to come by and harder to keep track of!” explains NRC Program and Volunteer Coordinator Penny Ferris.

Neighborhood Resource Center (NRC) Holiday Party, Rocketts Landing Residents' Social Committee, Richmond Virginia

To celebrate the season for their families, NRC threw a party honoring holiday celebrations from around the world: Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice and Kwanzaa. Each holiday station had a food item and craft activity that corresponded to the particular cultural celebration. The holiday gifts and donations raised by our residents contributed to the variety of goodies the kids received.

But, the purchasing power didn’t stop there! NRC actually had leftover funds and was able to buy even more items for specific families who needed additional support. The NRC identified families who work hard and make too much income for public assistance — but way too little to buy their children presents. Each family came to the NRC by appointment and handpicked holiday gifts for their kids, ranging from art sets to pajamas.

“We were so grateful for their help this past holiday season,” says Penny. “Rocketts Landing Residents made Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2011 for Greater Fulton families!”

I believe our softie little hearts are officially melting …

Photos courtesy of the Neighborhood Resoure Center (NRC)